Agglomeration Roanne, Mably et Villerest : 200 users on a shared Asset Management system
"Well before its creation, some municipalities, especially Roanne itself, already expressed their willingness to develop a system for technical management of their assets and service interventions," explains Françoise Gonon, project manager at the Information Systems Department (ISD) of Roannais Agglomeration. "But it wasn't until 2011 and the creation of our ISD that the project finally materialized." Its complexity: sharing a single solution between the services of the agglomeration and 3 cities of very different sizes - Roanne, Mably and Villerest - to create a system in which all could independantly manage their assets, but also allowed pooling of services, means and skills between the 4 communities. »
After analysis of the different needs, the ISD launched a tender in 2012, covering a very broad functional scope. The tender was awarded to AS - Tech Solutions early 2013. "It actually wasn't the lowest bid," recalls Grégory Aymond, head of the environment service of the city of Roanne and functional project manager. "But at the end of the demo's of 3 products we shortlisted, we were absolutely convinced by the adaptability of the AS-Tech Office Web modules. They could, for example, satisfy our need for varied user profiles, so that officials of specific services wishing to manage their core assets (highways, for example) and people with multiple responsibilities like the 2 officers of the small town of Villerest, which are in charge of all kinds of assets, could all do their job within the same system.»
Pooling of resources and skills
Today 200 users, distributed over 3 municipalities and in all services of the agglomeration (real estate, highways, sanitation, green spaces, energy...), as well as subcontractors (for ex. building surveillance) work with this common system. "Sharing has become much easier using AS-Tech Web Office. It is very simple to deploy on the desktop and it also offers Internet access, to our subcontractors," says Françoise Gonon. Its different modules - have almost been selected to all - industrialized and reliable of the previously manual procedures or Excel tables. "Even the most hesitant user has perfectly adopted their new system," adds Grégory Aymond. "It is easier to follow targets and the actions to reache them, providing visibility into each step - request, intervention, etc. - and end-to-end traceability."
The benefits for all of the communities are also very tangible. Maintenance and control of the fleet, which total 918 vehicles and equipment, are now rigorously driven by dashboards. AS-Tech facilitates the loan or transfer of vehicles between communities, optimizing their use. To secure rentals (333 contracts): data and contracts were finally computerized, and made shareable among officials to allow pooling of buildings. “AS-TECH Office Web even allows us to very simple budget management, like maintenance of in-house sports equipment so we can smartly capitalize on our own skills, rather than outsource."
Strategic management of assets
Available dashboards provide visibility so responsible managers can drive their core businesses strategically. Investments for real estate for example, are now managed under multi-year plans, with follow-up checking and analysis by building or by type of function, which had proved impossible before. "The city of Roanne optimized control of expenses using AS-Tech systems" continues Françoise Gonon. "And in the small town of Villerest, AS-Tech Web Office serves as a decision making support tool: their 2 officers can now respond almost instantly to queries of their elected representatives, for example, the distribution of the requests by providers, or the cost of something like the festivities on the July 14 celebration." And at the level of the agglomeration, transparency on the consumption of each service promotes accountability. Clubs are also informed of the cost of the interventions carried out in the premises made available to them, which helps the community to better justify the amount of its grants. As for the new modules Opus Services and assets, they improve services to residents. "Now all requests made by citizens or neighborhood associations, can be run through the central AS-Tech Opus portal. It can handle requests for all services like infrastructure, green space, real estate and others" adds Grégory Aymond. "Interventions are therefore better qualified and better coordinated. And above all, elected officials finally have accurate and comprehensive statistics on citizen requests, and the taken actions: how quickly, by which service or contractor, etc. Their, and the general public's satisfaction proves to we made an excellent choice in AS-Tech Solutions! »
* Modules used: Asset, Service, Fleet, Energy, Rental, Symphony.